On January 3, 2007, we started our last day of Leading Up North with a convergence of all 500 white sweatshirted LUN participants, including Hillel, JCS, and ROI/Kivun/Charlies, filling an auditorium with cheer and enthusiasm (and one exhausted Jewish Robot). After the celebration, we were all bussed to Qiryat Shemona where we queued in droves to plant saplings on the mountainside. The celebration continued with speeches from the mayor, thanks from LUN sponser Lynn Schusterman, music and dancing.

Coming next, Festival B'Shekel ...
HAHAHA!!! i cannot get enough of that video clip of you sleeping through the Israeli singalong! i love it. everyone at my office is staring at me laughing out loud :)
Most of us were actually close to passing out. I'm just lucky no one has footage of me sleeping my way through this program. Oh boy. That sounded bad. But you know what I meant.
Plus, you know how Gary Larson had a beetle named for him? Cartoonist, cartoonist. Beetle, beetle. Just saying.
You know, my brother (a U.S. Army Sergeant First Class) says narcolepsy is not a disease, but an acquired skill...
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