K'far Giladi Guest House roomies Aryeh, Elias #2, and the Jewish Robot
Leading Up North is also the second trip that I roomed with J-webmaster extraordinaire,
Aryeh Goldsmith, known for his J-domain domination, matched only by his prowess with the J-ladies.

At times it felt like Aryeh and I were a real-life enactment of my
Shabot 6000 series: two blokes with different Jewish upbringings and levels of observance, living together as roommates and somehow finding a harmonious balance of spirituality and religion. If you are familiar with my characters, Shabot and Moti (yes, he has a name!), then you know their dynamic involves a recurring role-reversal in which irreverant robot and pious man exhibit each other's expected behavior. Such has been the case with me and Aryeh, an experience which has already served fodder for many a future Shabot comic strip.
Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith, you've raised a fine boy!
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