On Sunday, PresenTense Magazine hosted a roundtable discussion FutureTense on Culture for Jewish artists, raising questions about innovation, changes in cultural events and productions, and the future of the Jewish cultural space. One dominating theme was "Is it good for the Jews?" Aryeh "Jewster" Goldsmith explained that it depends on your perspective, which is so true that we had nothing left to discuss, so we all went home.

More photos of the FutureTense meeting on Facebook
You guys should have just drawn straws and married each other on the spot. Nothing else you did would have nearly as much positive impact on Jewish culture.
anono 1
Ha, I actually agree with you this time, Anon1.
I thought you always agreed with me. But don't feel bad. Having 36 year old Jewish men who obsess over worthless shit like lower case consonants instead of settling down is probably better for the blogging commmunity at large.
Anono 1
Oddly, Anon1, I agree with you again.
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