March 19, 2007

Share da Love with Seda' Club

I'm trying a little something different this year for Passover. With the increasing popularity of video sharing sites like YouTube and MySpace, I've decided to share my own Seda' Club cartoon as an embedded video. Now you can display the cartoon on your own web page and blogs!

Get the code to share Seda' Club on MySpace. The original high-quality Flash version is still available for you to enjoy here on this site.

Also, if you love Shabot rapping with 50 Cent, and you've can spare 50 Cents x2, you can download the mp3 for your iPod!


Anonymous said...

This is genious!!! did you make the video yourself?? i heard these hassidic hip hop guys named ta-shma and theyre really good. I have their music video on my blog.

Shabot 6000 said...

Yes, DJK, I produced every aspect of the cartoon, including illustration, animation, music, voices, and sound design. Glad you dig it!