It isn't every day that a robot gets invited to a bar mitzvah. So when Sam's mom told me that ShaBot 6000 is her son's favorite funny (second only to
Ali G), I was happy to produce this animated short, which played on the big screen at Sam's bar mitzvah party on December 9, 2006. The cartoon was presented as part of a video compilation of all Sam's friends who could not attend. See Shabot, Moti, a special guest appearance by
50 Cent, and even that delivery boy from
A Very ShaBot Christmas, in
Sam's ShaBot-Mitzvah!
If you are interested in having ShaBot and gang featured in a personalized animated greeting for your special occasion, bar mitzvah, wedding, birthday, anniversary,
engagement announcement,
birth announcement, or anything, really, please
contact me.
Go Sam! It's your bar mitzvah!
It's really a shonde you couldn't honor this boy's Bar Mitzvah without a horribly racist charicature (delivery boy?) That is totally offensive and inappropriate.
Actually, anon, the bar mitzvah boy likes all these characters, including the offensively big-nosed beanie-wearing Jew.
I never thought I'd agree with that fake anonymous comment above, but really this isn't appropriate for a bar mitzvah. I hope the family hasn't been ostracized over this, but maybe they knew enough not to show it. Either way, if you want to date The Shansta I won't interfere.
I doubt the family has been ostracized, mom approved the final product and thought it was very funny. Nothing is meant to be racist, just cute and lighthearted.
I'm still not sure what people find so offensive about my characters. The black rapper, according to some, sounds black. The Jew looks very Jewish, and the Chinese boy looks Asian and sounds like he is learning to speak English.
I'm just saying this was a Bar Mitzvah party not a fraternity party. These events are debased enough already. But if it's OK to have a gay "Rabbi", then I suppose this is small potatoes. Also I recommend that alll women stop "dating" you as this has only enabled your single and childless condition.
The bar mitzvah boy (actually, now he is a man) has a mature sense of humor, and he loves my cartoons, so I wanted to produce something that represents the familiar edge and comedy of ShaBot 6000. If he likes Ali G. and Borat, I believe this cartoon was probably great success!
I think the cartoon is very cute. I didn't find anything wrong with it.
Wow. All I have to say is DAMN. Who would've though a cute cartoon that someone liked and specifically asked for would cause such a stir!
and to my Anonymous friend, who unfortunately won't reveal himself, i still like your fan mail ;)
B"H I was really touched that you took the time to make this cartoon for Sam, hearing that ShaBot is his favorite.
Well, ben-Y, it was a commissioned piece, but I hope this does not change your opinion on the matter :-)
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