I truly enjoyed working on this project with Taglit-birthright israel, and hopefully this will be the first of a series of cartoons we do together. I handled all aspects of production for this cartoon, including concept, story, illustration, animation, voiceover, and original music score. (Yes, believe it or not, that's me doing the crazy background vocals in the end.)
The eCard is currently hosted on the official Taglit-birthright israel website.
Oh, and a Happy Passover, everybody, Chag Sameach!
aaww man, don't leave me hanging like that!! what happens? whens the sequel being released?!
I don't even know what happens next! :-)
I guess we'll just have to wait and see ...
Heh. Elijah Wood (you) sounds like Kyle Brofslofski. Not a bad thing. Jus' sayin'. Yasher koach, and if you ever need women to do voiceovers, let me know...
HAHA, that was great, Elijah Wood rocks. I didn't know he was Jewish.
That was, dare I say it ...
... precioussssss.
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