July 17, 2006


Judapest bloggers Bruno and Brigitta living it up at the Dead Sea Oasis Spa

After sorting out a complicated banking mishap in which all of Bruno's money was accidentally transfered to an expired credit card, the Judapest gang were finally able to rent a car in Jerusalem, and we headed south to the Dead Sea.

We spent three relaxing days in the Prima Oasis spa, soaking in the sun and mineral-rich water of the sea. Not much to say about this time of floating, soaking, eating, sleeping, drinking, and watching Wimbledon commentated in Hebrew, so just enjoy these few photos.

You can hear the sea in Bruno's phone!

The Judean Hills are alive with the sound of bloggers

Don't make Bruno angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Brigitta received several offers to help finish with the mud covering

Mud in my circuits

On our way up north heading toward Tzfat, we happened to catch the news on the radio that Tzfat was hit with rockets from Lebanon. So we wisely chose to stay further south on the east bank of the Sea of Galilee, so close to Syria that Lebanon wouldn't dare fire rockets there, and risk hitting their sweet friends.

Watching the news while the news goes on outside

Next post: a night on the Kinneret, and then Tel Aviv

1 comment:

Zahara said...

hi, i,m glad you're enjoing the trip and that everything is going ok. keep safe and posting