She's young and beautiful, and my family adore her.
Her name is Lola, and she is my new baby niece!

I finally got to meet Lola this past weekend, she is just three weeks old now. I spent most of my visit hovering over her stroller, watching her sleep. And I felt honored to hold her and have her fall asleep in my arms. I'm her Uncle Willy!
Can you find Lola in this photo?
Awww- so cute! You're a natural.
The poor child. She will never be the same again.
Aww, she sure is cute. Now you just need to meet a nice Jewish girl and have one of your own!
sooo cute!!
She's a pretty girl--maybe part of that is from her cute uncle? -CK
If you were any more desperate/manic to have a baby you'd probably grow ovaries.
Hehe, Mom, you so funny.
I think you should just set a deadline to get engaged and stick to it. You could spend the next 10 years dicking around like this and not get anywhere.
Anonymous, a deadline to get engaged only makes sense if I've met a gal and fallen in love. I'm not about to set an arbitrary deadline for an engagement without having met someone first.
But what the heck does this have to do with my new baby niece?
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