May 06, 2008

Remembering Dave

Gabby Sirner and Lindsay Litowitz remember Dave

Last week I attended a memorial at the Australian in midtown Manhattan for Dave Burnett, my Australian friend who died in a landslide accident in Petra in January. I met Dave at the ROI120 conference in Jerusalem in the summer of 2006, and I remember how charismatic and funny he was, and how I was surprised I was to learn that he was the youngest participant, because he was so confident and outspoken. I'll be returning to the ROI120 Summit again next month, where many of Dave's friends will be gathering, and it won't be the same without him.

Sydney Henning and Esther K. share a bittersweet moment

Aryeh signs the guest book

Tagging Michael Findling ... because that's what Dave would have wanted

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