July 27, 2007
July 24, 2007
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July 23, 2007
Is Dan Zanes Jewish?

It was Lola's first trip to Brooklyn, which was already a special occasion. The Celebrate Brooklyn music series just made the day even more memorable.

More photos on Facebook
July 16, 2007
Yiddish Carnival, around Fyvush

Closer to 4pm Sunday, to be exact, is when Frank London's Yiddish Carnival kicked off at the band shell in Prospect Park as part of this year's Celebrate Brooklyn concert series. As described on the Celebrate Brooklyn 2007 Schedule page:
For this concert of old- and new-school Jewish music, the luminary Frank London-who has played with everyone from John Zorn to They Might Be Giants and LL Cool J-will be joined by New York City's hottest and most diverse group of Yiddish musicians for a radical festival in the park. Performers include the Grammy award winning klezmer band, The Klezmatics; television and theater star Fyvush Finkel; a rare performance by legendary Yiddish rocker Wolf Krakowski; Cuban Jewish percussionist Roberto Rodriguez; Rolling Stone's #1 non-English group of 2006, Frank London's Klezmer Brass Allstars featuring Brazilian percussionists MaracatĂș New York; Yiddish divas Joanne Borts and Adrienne Cooper; and the Festival Latin Jewish Carnival Orchestra & Social Justice Sing.
Of particular delight was a comedy and musical performance by the venerable Jewish actor Fyvush Finkel, whose charming act I caught on video and have uploaded for your viewing pleasure:

July 13, 2007
SHAlOM in the Stadium

I try to keep my ShaBot stuff separate from my lowercase L project, they're usually separate worlds. But every now and then, worlds collide. Such is the case with this latest post, featuring a SHAlOM SHAWN shout out from a fan in Shea Stadium to Jewish Mets player Shawn Green. I'm not sure which is more disturbing: that a person would use a lowercase L within the context of otherwise all uppercase letters to compose a sign sending a transliterated Hebrew greeting to a Jewish baseball player, or that I would devote a blog to it.
July 11, 2007
Think Indifferent

I don't find many things offensive. In fact, usually, the more offensive people find something, the more I like it. But in this case I was offended at the level of cliché and gratuitous "oy vey" humor. I guess this Jphone viral video is so poorly done and unfunny, I am ashamed it has the letter J in front of it.
Frumster, who are a bit more conservative in their humor department, actually managed to pull off a funnier Jewish "Get a Mac" parody than Aish. I think that says a lot.
This is not to say that all of Aish's videos are unfunny. I did like their Boycott Israel video. Maybe there are others.
July 02, 2007
Holy American Jewry, Batman!

Not surprisingly, EV's message reminds me of a cartoon I did for JSU, Where in the World?
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