April 28, 2007

The Itche Kadoozy Show

For a guy who is supposed to be involved in the cutting edge Jewish entertainment industry, boy do I feel out of the loop on this one. I cannot explain why I am just now finding out about The Itche Kadoozy Show, an educational Jewish themed puppet show created by Dovid Taub and Jonathan Goorvich, hosted on Chabad.org.

Upon looking up candle lighting times for shabbat on the Chabad.org Calendar, I caught a glimpse of a small Itche Kadoozy icon at the bottom of the page. I followed the links until I reached Itche Kadoozy in The Quest for Fish, and watched the latest episode, Chapter 4: Detours, in which the puppets learn about the importance of the Omer.

This is some funny stuff! Ignore the "KIDS" logo at the top of the page, these cartoons are entertaining for adults, too.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's horrible and funny and trippy. It's so bad that it's kind of good. A floating, talking gefilte fish? A guy with an almost sexual relationship with bread? Hilarious.

That's the kind of show that could gain a cult following.

Ro said...

I love this show. It's so cute. I watched the Chaunnauka one and couldn't stop laughing.